Friday, July 29, 2005

The joy of blog surfing.

I decided to blog surf around a bit, and I was rather surprised to see the amount of old classmates having a blog.

But of course, most of their blogs are littered with the usual drag on their normal life. Seldom do you visit one which goes a little further then that. Those are the ones I prefer to read, because it can get boring after reading post after post about events which you should be there to experience it better.

Oh well. Their choice.

But it was fun.

So far, on my list, I have discovered...

-Edwin Lee
-Alyaa (The scary, yet lovely prefect head)
-Sebastian (Boss. =D)
-Zi Cong
-Kiang Han (Accident goddess)
-Yadayadayada. I can't remember what I surfed yesterday. Too many opened tabs...LoL.

It's good to see that the old bunch of peeps are online. Maybe I should sneak around sometime. Maybe I should read all their posts, on how their outings went, their life went past...




Woo hoo! My college decided to get into the National Day fever by hanging banners around the place.


That's probably the most retarded thing I've seen in a while. Yeah, seeing them on walls and stuff is nice, as they do add to the atmosphere.

But on the foyer, with the tail of the banner nearly touching the floor, and the entire piece of cloth blocking the path of many people?

That's stupid. Firstly, they cause an inconivence to people who are trying to walk across the foyer, but have to dodge their way around the banners in order to avoid them. If they don't they either have a choice of pushing them aside, hence dirtying them, or walking right through them, resulting in the feeling of a rough piece of cloth rubbing on your face, which isn't exactly pleasant.

In fact, to top it off, there will be some people who will make a mess out of a banner or two. I mean, when you hang it this low, all you need is someone to tug at it, and it will probably tear apart like toilet paper. Worse, someone with a marker and nothing to do could try to Portray his lack of talent in the artistic side of his brain.

Seesh. Why can't the school just hang it high on buildings? We can see them clearly, thank you very much. There's no actual need to shove the banners in our face. Sure, it's just mere seconds of dodging them, when the foyer has few people around. However, during the time after assembly, where half of the school crosses the foyer, it's a completely different story altogether. There's barely enough elbow room, much less space to walk around the banners. In fact, why must we walk around these ridiculous banners in the first place? As we all know, since most of us have taken maths of some sort, the shortest distance from A to B is the straight line distance (except for some cases) between the two points. So, instead of walking straight, we are forced to side-step to avoid the pieces of cloth hanging down from the ceiling.

Keep them on buildings. That's what they are for. Thanks.

Goddamnit, this is annoying.

You know you can't, NF

Of course I know I can't. WTF do you think I'm doing?

Yet, what's happeneing to you? You hate it when she's not around. Your hea-


-rt goes all melty and stuff when she smiles. You hardly could take your eyes off her. Your heart aches during those long moments when you are not around here, willing to do almost anything for merely her scent to reach that nose of yours.

Getting soft on me, old boy?

No, it's just that...

You like her, admit it.

Fine. I did, but I can't. I won't risk it, damnit.

You sure?

Yeah. I can never be half of what I think she expects anyway.


Like that has ever stopped you before.

You think I'm willing to risk it all? I don't want to see her hurt, or see her becoming sad once again, damnit. I won't be able to take that.

Yeah right. You selfish arrogant bastard. When have you ever bothered?

I didn't in the past, but I do now.




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